y i post my title as "part-time santa clause" ? i bring 3 gifts in total which is 2 tops and a book.
today was quite long day for me. have a birthday lunch with jeremy's inner circle palz like enoch , da lao (darryl teo) , jian da ( xiu's bro) , euzanne , lorraine & her Bf , another darryl. i have a fish & chip from cafe cartel , and a lemon tea and cost me nearly $20 buck! (T.T) oh manZ! anyway ,was a great time of fellowship with them actually.
next part of the day is attending the most exciting highlight of the week , attend service in CHC! haha, pastor kong preach an awesome message today. in order for us to winsome person , we got to build relationship with the friends.
Pastor Kong come out with ten commandment on building relationship :
- Communicate
- Be interested in people on their world
- Make people feel important
- Smile when you meet people
- Encourage people
- Be long suffering
- Respect people
- Esteem others as better than yourself
- Use people's name more than usual
- Be complimentary of people
talking about the first point , it reminds me about my friendship with a friend in my ministry , whom i used to close to . due to lack of communication, friendship began to die. this is what pastor said. i try my best to maintain the level of friendship but it take 2 hands to clap . thus , i decided to lift up the friendship and move on.
apart from applying this principles in our new friends that we gonna reach out, it is applicable to people we are discipling or integrating to. it is to make them feel like home in church and establish stronger relationship to help each other grow in the long run.
i would like to recommend books by John C.Maxwell , Be A People Person that could help you on how to draw and win people to you.
what a day today ... tomorrow will be a better day :]
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