Monday, August 07, 2006

celebrated city harvest 17th anniversary on a fine sunday morning. thank God for bringing us this far. a salute to my senior pastor , pastor kong. staff and leaders and pastors said appreciation words to him on the tribute video. i wanna say to pastor that he is man that GOD USES. A spiritual father to many.

during the worship , joseph pringle said something that makes me ponder. He said everybody is searching for the best worship song that they can sing.Rick warren once said in his books that , best worship song is us... where we live our life and conviction that i worthy to worship HIm.worship is not just about merely singing, its beyond that. you can wept and get soak all you want when worship and pray.

a person of failure is not the one with many weaknesses,it a person who is not open for correction and unwillingness to change.

- Ee kai li

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