Thursday, July 20, 2006

it took me nearly an hour to log in here.OMG
my semester coming to end soon with unfinished projects and presentations and reports coming up.

Despite most of the leaders are away for taiwan emerge last week, i stand in the gap for my leader.
i was praying, " Lord , i don't want the attendance drop , neither i wanna maintain the number in the cell group, i wanna GROW!"
true enough, it came to pass.(say WOW, say it backwards! lolx)
nah, one brand new friend for friendship connection, the friend is rather open to Gospel.(Thank God!)
as last week was a healing preacher , Rev Che An, the-one-or-two-weeks-giddy spell gone instantly right after the service!(all glory to Him, Amen!)
i can say it was the one of most stretched season i ever experience.

back to my school stuff
awww.... i rather getting low moral as the project going up to a tougher stage. my left ear is gonna rotten( to those who know, you would get the joke)
one phrase to describe i really feel:
ahem , sorry i was making a fleshly/carnal comment i guess, or maybe not.
i discovered a book in my room of mountain-ous dump:
"Who's pushing your buttons - handling the difficult people in your life"
by Dr.John Townsend

a book of the right season i suppose, machiam like i found some historical treasure.ha!

i recall something that God ask me this year:
" kai li , what kind of Cell group you wanna lead in future?"
my response was... * JAW DROPPED AND HIT LOUDLY TO THE GROUND*... & stare at God blankly.
while pushing my jaw back into place, i tell God what i really desire
"God, i wanna lead a group of MUSICIANS whose heart are for the Lost , Whose mind are of the will of God, that we as a cell group can go to marketplace , for the marketplace and penetrate to the marketplace in the area of ARTS"
i couldnt believe what i just tell God about what i want! one of the conversation that i never forget.apparently , those who are under my discipleship and those who are on my "reaching out" list are good with at least one musical instrument.
what is God's response , seriously i cant remember anything or He is YET to response.
" In Jesus name i pray, AMEN!" i ended the prayer.

jeremy share one story me before , it was rather interesting:

leader A:" i wanna be a great doctor "
leader B :" i wanna be the president of United States"
leader C:"i wanna be a great preacher "
leader D:"i wanna be the leader of all 3 of them that is mention above"

i wanna be leader D. lolx

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